Problems installing Google Drive on Windows7

Today I discovered a problem when I tried to install the Google Drive client on my workstation at work. We are sitting behind an ISA proxy and so from time to time, we have problems to access services like SkyDrive and other shared drive solutions. Whenever I started the download of the client it told me that it is “waiting to download google drive”. Around 60 seconds later it stopped and told me to check my internet connection. Really disappointing, isn’t it? I gave it several tries from different browsers with the same result. After hours of googling I found a link on one of the several problem/solution pages. Here it is:

I downloaded the .msi file and executed it. After I installed the client on my laptop the other day, it automatically started the client. That made me think that this approach wasn’t successful at all. Surprisingly a click on the start button showed the Google Disk icon. I started the client and now it’s working like a charm.

About Juergen Caris

I am 54yo, MSc(Dist) and BSc in Computer Science, German and working as a Senior Server Engineer for the NHS Lothian. I am responsible for the patient management system, called TrakCare. I am a UNIX/Linux guy, working in this sector for more than 20 years now. I am also interested in robotics, microprocessors, system monitoring, Home automation and programming.
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